Discontinued operations的【含義】是什么?在CFA考試報考后考生是需要掌握知識點的,如果沒有掌握CFA知識點怎么能做對考試題呢?今天我們看看CFA考試中的這個知識點!
A discontinued operation is one that management has decided to dispose of, but either has not yet done so, or has disposed of in the current year after the operation had generated income or losses.
決定賣掉資產(chǎn)的日期稱為Measurement date
實際賣掉資產(chǎn)的日期稱為Actual disposal date
兩者之間的期間稱為Phase-out perio
Below the line, after-tax線下以稅后金額列示
Any income or loss during the phase-out period from disposing assets. 待處置資產(chǎn)在退出期內(nèi)產(chǎn)生的損益。