2021年CFA機考考試題型 CFA一級考試共180道選擇題,每題有A、B、C三個選項,主要考察考生對CFA考試課程中投資評估及管理工具和概念的理解。今天小編帶著CFA考試題一起做一做!
【例1】A hedge fund that implements trades based on a top-down analysis of expected movements in economic variables most likely uses a(n):
A. macro strategy
B. event-driven strategy
C. relative value strategy
A解析:關(guān)鍵詞top-down approach,可以判斷出是對沖基金策略中宏觀經(jīng)濟策略。
【例2】An investor who has positions in multiple long–short equity hedge funds and is concerned about whether these positions are sufficiently diversified will mostly likely be concerned about the lack of:
A.transparency in reported positions
B.frequent independent valuations
C.liquidity in the underlying assets
答案: A
解析:投資者投資于股票對空策略的對沖基金,*可能擔心的是缺乏持倉信息,因為對沖基金通常不會公開持倉情況,A對。對空策略投資于流動性好,公開交易的股票,因 此有市場價格且流動性好,B和C錯。