Capital Adequacy是資本充足率,在CFA考試中這是CFA二級中的知識點,對于這個知識點你掌握的如何呢?跟著小編一起看看吧!

對于資本充足率,一方面基于風險需要對于riskier asset需要給與更高的權(quán)重;另一方面需要確定準備的資本及加權(quán)風險資本。


Common Equity Tier 1 Capital 普通股一級資本,包括common stock, issuance surplus related to common stock, retained earnings, accumulated other comprehensive income, and certain adjustments including the deduction of intangible assets and deferred tax assets.

Other tier 1 capital 其他一級資本,包括Capital includes other types of instruments issued by the bank that meet certain criteria.

Tier 2 Capital 二級資本,包括instruments that are subordinate to depositors and to general creditors of the bank, have an original minimum maturity of five years, and meet certain other requirements.


Common Equity Tier 1 Capital must be at least 4.5% of risk-weighted assets.

Total Tier 1 Capital must be at least 6.0% of risk-weighted assets.

Total Capital (Tier 1 Capital plus Tier 2 Capital) must be at least 8.0% of risk-weighted assets.
