

Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) (套利定價(jià)理論)

The APT describes expecced recurns as a linear function of exposures to common risk factors:

E(R) = R,. + G;iRP, + G;iRPl + ... + 0,kRPk


0,i = /' factor beta for stock i

RPi = risk premium associated with risk factor j

The APT defines the scruccure of rerurns but does noc define which faccors should be used in

the model.


The CAPM is a special case of APT with only one factor exposure-che market risk premium.

The Fama-French three-factor model describes recurns as a linear funccion of che markec index

recurn, firm size, and book-co-markec faccors.

Multiple Linear Regression(多元線性回歸)

A simple "gression is the two-variable regression

with one dependent variable, Yi, and one

independent variable, X.· A multivariate regression

has more than one independent variable.

Yi= Bo +B1 xX1i +B2 xX2i +ei